Turns out the tree was graffiti tagged. PWNed.
Stretchin' out, you know just chilling in the tree tops. As you do...
I'd look pretty damn with a mustache if you ask me.
See no evil, Hear no evil, Speak no evil. I spruken the Deutsch actually.
These were taken in the glorious Summer of 09/10. Seems like only last week but it was in fact a staggering 6 months ago. In 6 months so much can change and I guess I'm only really understanding that now since so many good things have happened to me as of late as well as a couple of bad things. I'm taking the bad things with the good but only focusing on the positives. How else will I be able to go on if I hang on to the bad shit that's already behind me? I won't be able to.
Life is what you make it, and I just cruise along
-Someone very wise once told me